Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Quit!

So after 9 years of working with VAA, I finally quit. Its over, done…dried and dusted…n all that jazz.

So much has happened in the past decade of my working here. Its like I have lived a lifetime. I have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. From adverting, events, online, outdoor and mobile marketing....all has been done and innovated on. Most of all I got to work personally with one of the most inspiring leaders of the world… Richard B!!

Just like that one day I will not be going to work at VAA…but another office instead. Just like that a routine of a decade will be broken. Just like that one day it will not be my brand anymore…some one else will come and take over my baby.

I am going through so many emotions at the same time. A feeling of Joy for I knew the time had come to move on. Relief as I didn’t think I would get a job anywhere else ever! Mental Peace as now I will have money to buy furniture, finally after all these months. Nostalgia for what the 9 years have been. Fear of the new industry and work environment. Excitement for a new chapter that is to begin. Finally I feel Passion creeping back into my life!!

Just like that I am not going to be a Virgin anymore : ) and this time round losing my virginity will be one of the saddest days of my life.

“Habit with him was all the test of truth, it must be right: I've done it from my youth."

A Seed for Thought for Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.


I Wear It Like A Tattoo said...

will miss u, and words cant describe the amazing time spent in the last 1 and a half years...nothing can take that away from..that place in time is now saved in a special part of my heart.

But at the same time i wish u lots of success and a great future cuz u fucking deserve it!


Small Miracle said...

i will miss walking into office and saying good mornin to u as well.It will never b the same...again.

New life...thanks for being a big part of it.

i appreciate ur love,loyalty and support.

Big hug to ya tattoo boy!!