Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Quit!

So after 9 years of working with VAA, I finally quit. Its over, done…dried and dusted…n all that jazz.

So much has happened in the past decade of my working here. Its like I have lived a lifetime. I have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. From adverting, events, online, outdoor and mobile marketing....all has been done and innovated on. Most of all I got to work personally with one of the most inspiring leaders of the world… Richard B!!

Just like that one day I will not be going to work at VAA…but another office instead. Just like that a routine of a decade will be broken. Just like that one day it will not be my brand anymore…some one else will come and take over my baby.

I am going through so many emotions at the same time. A feeling of Joy for I knew the time had come to move on. Relief as I didn’t think I would get a job anywhere else ever! Mental Peace as now I will have money to buy furniture, finally after all these months. Nostalgia for what the 9 years have been. Fear of the new industry and work environment. Excitement for a new chapter that is to begin. Finally I feel Passion creeping back into my life!!

Just like that I am not going to be a Virgin anymore : ) and this time round losing my virginity will be one of the saddest days of my life.

“Habit with him was all the test of truth, it must be right: I've done it from my youth."

A Seed for Thought for Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Some times in life we have to take that leap of faith. We take a deep breath and know it in our bones that THE time has come. The time has come to take that BIG leap of Faith! Most importantly we have to know that when we take that big leap of faith in life for what ever reasons... A safety net will appear.

Jump fearlessly and the net will appear. Just like that...

I did and I am still bouncing with Joy....A Seed for Thought those who fear that the net won't appear.