I too have always dressed mad and different. I have always used fashion to express what I feel at that point. If I get up grey and sad, I almost always wear colours. It’s just something that I know will be a great pick me up. Lets just say colours are my “happy” pills.
Then on the days you know the world is yours to conquer. I will wear dull colours because that day I know my personality will over shadow the clothes. That’s just how it goes. I think mad dressing clearly shows the personality of the person wearing it. Though I will like to put it on record, I am pretty sane!
It’s not just that the character Carrie wore mad mad outfits that look amazing on her. I love what SJP wears on the red carpet. I loved her headpiece at one of the premiers of SATC movie premiers. What coolness.
I will never be one of those wearing the same Hip and Cool clothes that all the women out there seem to be wearing. How does your personality even shine through…or better still do you even have a mind of your own if you follow fashion blindly?! Sometimes you can’t do much. Like what do you with you LBD (Little Black Dress). Nothing. So then you go crazy with the accessories.
I am so glad that Sarah Jessica Parker happened to us ladies. SATC was a show about women who lived their life to the fullest in their 30’s. They clearly had a mind of their own and that mind certainly helped them dress Fabulously!! SJP you are a kick ass lady and I Love ya!
Do we get defined by the clothes we wear or do we define what we wear?!! Seed for thought my ladies.